Rabu, 18 September 2013



Electronic security is one of the major contributors to producing a safer society and environment. It creates a sense of security that is needed to support various political, social, economic and business agendas. The reduction of crime is currently a company prerogative on various levels as it leads and contributes towards a stable environment.
It has become clear that relying on human resources only for crime reduction and prevention purposes will not have the effect on crime levels currently desired. Electronic security systems promote proactive prevention and reduction of crime, protection of persons and property and securing and provision of information as evidence, where necessary, to protect the broader society against crime. This qualification will provide electronic security standards aimed at supporting industry sectors, public or private companies, large and small, by identifying security risks and minimizing security breaches in any given environment. The use and importance of electronic security equipment has thus been highlighted in recent years.
This training  is intended for security officers, security managers, facility managers and other individuals responsible for security functions. It is an introduction to electronic security systems, including intrusion detection devices, control units, video surveillance systems, and access control systems. The emphasis is on the fundamental principles of system operation and their proper use. This course also helps participants to identify and diagnose simple system problems, such as nuisance alarms and equipment malfunctions. This training is ideal for meeting ongoing training requirements for security officers and for basic training of new security personnel.

Outline :
  1.  Communicate effectively in the security industry
  2.  Follow workplace safety procedures in the security industry
  3.  Work effectively in the security industry
  4. Provide technical security services to clients
  5. Install security equipment and systems : Burglar Alarms, Fire Alarms, Closed Circuit Security Cameras, CCTV, Access Control Systems.
  6. Perform routine maintenance on security equipment and system

Peserta :
Pelatihan ini dimaksudkan untuk petugas keamanan, manajer keamanan, manajer fasilitas dan individu lain yang bertanggung jawab untuk fungsi keamanan. Ini merupakan pengantar untuk sistem keamanan elektronik, termasuk perangkat deteksi intrusi, unit kontrol, sistem pengawasan video, dan sistem kontrol akses. Pelatihan ini sangat ideal untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelatihan berkelanjutan bagi petugas keamanan dan pelatihan dasar personil keamanan baru.

Kamis, 12 September 2013

COMPRESSED NATURAL GAS (CNG) Fueling Station Operation and Maintenance

COMPRESSED NATURAL GAS (CNG) Fueling Station Operation and Maintenance

CNG station maintenance is vital to the safe and optimal operation of the vehicles that fuel there. Two of the most critical performance issues for natural gas vehicles are oil carryover and water in the natural gas stream. Proper maintenance of the CNG station will help ensure neither of these problems exists, preventing user complaints and potential risk of engine damage.

Objective :
-        List and describe the physical properties of natural gas.
-        Understand the health hazards of natural gas.
-        Understand the causes and effects of gas quality in a CNG fueling station.
-        Understand the reasons for and components of the CNG Fueling Station Operation & Maintenance Plan.
-        List the most critical tools required to maintain a CNG fueling station.
-        List the most frequently needed spare parts for maintaining a CNG fueling station.
-        List the most common specifications required in a third-party CNG Fueling Station Maintenance Contract.
-        Understand the necessity for an Emergency Fueling Plan.
-        Be familiar with the most common CNG fueling station trouble shooting techniques.
-        Understand the CNG maintenance log and other related forms and how to use them.
-        Understand the major CNG fueling station components and maintenance practices for each.
-        Understand federal safety regulations for CNG fueling stations.
-        Understand the general safety issues associated with CNG fueling stations and how to mitigate risk with each.
-        Understand safety procedures and precautions required when maintaining CNG fueling stations.
-        Understand the key components of and how to conduct a CNG fueling facility safety evaluation.
-        Understand the circumstances when it is necessary to defuel a CNG powered vehicle.
-        Become familiar with the procedures required to perform a defueling operation on a CNG powered vehicle.
-        Understand the waste tracking requirements for a CNG fueling station, including Hazardous Waste.
-        Understand the elements of a HAZOP plan as they relate to a CNG fueling station.

Outline :
1.    Introduction to Compressed Natural Gas
2.    Health Hazards of Natural Gas
3.    Gas Quality
4.    The Operation and Maintenance Plan
5.    Major Fueling Station Components and Maintenance Practices
6.    Safety Procedures and Guidelines
7.    CNG Facility Safety
8.    Vehicle Defueling
9.    Waste Tracking and Disposal
10.  Elements of a HAZOP Plan

Who Should Attend:
  • CNG fueling station maintenance technicians
  • Fleet managers/supervisors responsible for CNG stations
  • Fleet management procedures specialists
  • CNG fueling station owners who contract maintenance to a third party



Gas alam terkompresi (Compressed natural gas, CNG) adalah alternatif bahan bakar selain bensin atau solar. Di Indonesia, kita mengenal CNG sebagai bahan bakar gas (BBG). Bahan bakar ini dianggap lebih 'bersih' bila dibandingkan dengan dua bahan bakar minyak karena emisi gas buangnya yang ramah lingkungan. CNG dibuat dengan melakukan kompresi metana (CH4) yang diekstrak dari gas alam. CNG disimpan dan didistribusikan dalam bejana tekan, biasanya berbentuk silinder.
Sesungguhnya di Indonesia, CNG bukanlah barang baru. Pencanangan untuk menggunakan CNG yang harganya lebih murah dan lebih bersih lingkungan daripada bahan bakar minyak (BBM) sudah dilakukan sejak tahun 1986.  Sejalan dengan semakin meningkatnya harga minyak dan kesadaran lingkungan, CNG saat ini mulai digunakan juga untuk kendaraan penumpang dan truk barang berdaya ringan hingga menengah. Konversi ke CNG difasilitasi dengan pemberian harga yang lebih murah bila dibandingkan dengan bahan bakar cair (bensin dan solar), peralatan konversi yang dibuat lokal dan infrastruktur distribusi CNG yang terus berkembang.

Outline :
1.    Pengenalan CNG
·         CNG vs LNG
·         Keuntungan Industri menggunakan Bahan Bakar CNG
2.    Proses Gas alam menjadi CNG
·      Separasi
·      Gas Sweetening
·      Gas Drying
·      Hg-removal
·      Fraksinasi
·      Kompresi
3.    CNG Volume Reduction
4.    Pengaruh impurities pada CNG
5.    Terrestrial CNG Technology
6.    Gas Piping
·           Box Kontainer Truck ( Gas Transport Container Module )
·           Pressure Regulator System (PRS)
·           Station Tempat Gas atau Daughter Station
7.    Marine CNG Technology
·           Terminal Loading Gas : Pengkompressian gas, Pendinginan gas, Jetty, Loading Platform, Loading Arms
·           CNG Fleet : CNG Barges
·           Terminal Offloading Gas :  Offshore Jetty, Offloading arms, jaringan pipa ke pemakai/storage, Gas Heater

Peserta :
Karyawan yang berkaitan dengan proses konversi dan penerapan sistem CNG